slovník Arabština - Angličtina

العربية - English

وبالتالي v angličtině:

1. therefore therefore

Therefore many people passed away.
Therefore we had to help each other and in that way the bonds between me and my sister were strong.
The power delivered by a one square metre solar panel is approximately one watt. Therefore it is currently difficult to harvest solar energy on a grand scale.
The head of the college, whose name was Miss Baker, therefore had a special place in the car park for her own small car.
Saying they could not support both a wife and an airplane, the two brothers therefore spent their lives as bachelors.
Therefore, for any text you hold the copyright to, by submitting it, you agree to license it under the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0 (fr).
For world peace, therefore, we must develop the consciousness that we are all one people of planet Earth through continual international cultural and economic exchange.
The committee would like me to have someone to whom I can direct questions or go to for guidance about the city and its resources; I believe, therefore, that you would be a very good match.
The region has suffered severe flooding and tourists are therefore advised not to travel there. The population has increased; therefore, the government is going to build more houses.
A piece of railway in use today is therefore the product of a long series of decisions reached on many different grounds, at different times.
A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.
She therefore came up on this side, opened her own window and tapped her horn lightly to draw attention to the fact that she was there.
The walking stick serves the purpose of an advertisement that the bearer's hands are employed otherwise than in useful effort, and it therefore has utility as an evidence of leisure.

Angličtina slovo „وبالتالي„(therefore) se zobrazí v sadách:

general Part 2

2. thereby

He is usually straightforward and sincere and thereby gains the confidence of those who meet him.
He left at ten, thereby avoiding the traffic.
and question what they have learned earlier and thereby, form conclusions on what they learn
In his essay "Esperanto: European or Asiatic language" Claude Piron has shown the similarities between Esperanto and Chinese, thereby putting to rest the notion that Esperanto is purely eurocentric.
Dima?! Al-Sayib was so shocked that he dropped his Fanta on his computer, thereby ruining his noob hunt. "Dima?! Is that really you?!"
Christopher Columbus once used the same joke 256 times in one day... thereby causing his entire crew to die of laughter.
Everyone can make a difference in their own lives and thereby collectively make the world a better place for themselves and others around them.
To raise one's name in later generations and thereby glorify one's parents, this is the greatest expression of filial piety.
It allows transactions to have public "witnesses," thereby making a cyberattack more difficult.
A healthy diet strengthens the heart, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack.
Terms and conditions provided thereby.
A resolution was passed thereby appointing Mr Smith as a Board Member.
They had ​failed to ​agree to a ​settlement thereby ​throwing 250 ​people out of ​work.
I replaced all the bulbs with energy-saving bulbs, thereby saving on my electricity bills.

3. so

I slept a little during lunch break because I was so tired.
So what?
You don't want to get wet and catch a cold, so take this umbrella with you.
There's also a great deal of so called behind-the-scenes work.
Pioneer men and women had a hard life, and so did their children.
His essay gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, so it was a real surprise to him when he got the highest grade in the class.
When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time.
After she lost her job, she couldn't afford to feed her dogs, so she gave them away.
Bodybuilding is his hobby so he has a very firm tight body with lots of muscle definition.
It's important to take good care of your teeth so you'll be able to eat properly when you get older.
Could you move over a little? "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I was taking up so much space."
When I speak to a Westerner, I have to shift mental gears, so to speak.
Can you figure out why the boss is so unfriendly this week?
When it comes to my supervisor, he's very inconsistent, so we never get any work done.
Don't get so irritated. Rushing things will cost you more time in the end.

Angličtina slovo „وبالتالي„(so) se zobrazí v sadách:

general Part 1