slovník katalánština - Angličtina

català, valencià - English

assumir v angličtině:

1. take on take on

England will have to take on Germany to get through to the finals.
I'm always up for a challange and I often take on the most ridiculous ones.
They’re going to take on ten new interns at Radio London. Why don’t we apply?
Friendship with the same sex take on great importance.
Our company wants to take on two new programmers.
In adolescence, friendships with the same sex take on (acquire) great importance.
take onnew challenges
It's a command and a requirement that you must take on now!
I don't want to take on too much work.
The school decided to take on two drama teachers.
I take on this challenge.
Don't take on too much work. You'll be exhausted.
No one else can take on that responsibility.