slovník katalánština - Angličtina

català, valencià - English

curiós v angličtině:

1. curious curious

What's going on in the cave? I'm curious. "I have no idea."
The more you study, the more curious you will become.
"Why do you want to know?" "I'm just curious."
curious about
As well as being very curious, some people thought she was very strange.
Generally speaking, Englishmen aren't curious about others.
One of the most curious things that has forced itself on my notice is that there is no permanence in the judgement of beauty.
Surely the most curious of sources consulted is Mankind Quarterly.
Aren't you curious what I'd like to say to you?
Don't be mad. I was just curious.
happy people are active, creative and curious aobout new experiences
Timmy is very curious of the world. / 2. I'm curious what else we might find here. / 3. I was curious so I researched it on the net. / 4. No, I'm just curious.
I am curious if it is possible at all for a younger couple to purchase a home
Curious gazes, gazes carrying a bit of murderous goes without saying that I couldn't be more uncomfortable.