slovník katalánština - Angličtina

català, valencià - English

despreocupat v angličtině:

1. carefree

Norman was such a carefree man. He never worried about anything and was always relaxed.
She is carefree.
a carefree child
Children are usually more carefree than adults.
I want to live a carefree life in the country.
Children should grow up carefree.
Would my son’s really relaxed and carefree nature become fearful and withdrawn?
a carefree childhood I wish I was on my gap year again - I miss those carefree days, not having to worry about paying the mortgage or getting to work on time.
Norman was such a carefree man.
I remember my carefree student days.
I can't wait for my holiday so I can be as carefree as possible.
having no ​problems or not being ​worried about anything: I ​remember my carefree ​student ​days.
He is carefree - he has no problems or worries.
I loved those days, so carefree and enjoyable.
My mother is carefree, cheerful and good-natured.