slovník katalánština - Angličtina

català, valencià - English

forjar v angličtině:

1. forge

<forge a close relationship>
You forged my signature!
If you forge a signature, you'll do it illegally
Our countries forged an alliance.
a forged passport
During the 1970s, the US forged trade links with China. / She forged a new career as a poet and songwriter.
The painting was forged
They forged the horseshoes in the forge.
to forge a bond
If, like me, you're wearing a gold ring, it was forged in a supernova explosion.
A ​number of forged ​works of ​art have been ​sold as ​genuine.
The hand-forged hook projected from the head of the small tuna.
The accident forged a close bond between the two families.
forge check
that super highway, we’re going to forge through this really thick, dense