slovník katalánština - Angličtina

català, valencià - English

portera v angličtině:

1. porter porter

Please have the porter take the baggage to our room.
We had so much luggage we had to ask for a porter.
She had her heavy suitcase carried by the porter.
Don't forget to tell the porter to carry our luggage.
Let a porter carry your baggage.
I had the porter take my suitcases to my room.
I had the porter carry my suitcase.
Once the porter brought our bags upstairs, we asked him to arrange a taxi for us.
The hotel porter helped me to carry my bags.
The porter offered to take my suitcase.
He works as a porter
There aren't any porters, so we'll filnd a trolley for the luggage.
The porter at the hotel was very nice.
Kumiko got a porter to carry her suitcase at the airport.