slovník dánský - Angličtina

dansk - English

skræmmende v angličtině:

1. daunting

Shakespeare's plays can be daunting for a young reader
daunting challenge
of you will say, "That’s so daunting, I can even get enough energy to
The length of some books may seem a bit daunting
Few things are more daunting than having to speak in front of a large crowd
The only reason why learning Kubernetes is daunting is because of the “everything else” and we covered that one so well.
However, although these challenges may seem daunting, they provide a strong impetus for including biological measures in preventive interventions.
We will support you in your efforts if you can show that you are up to the daunting challenge.
The country was faced with the daunting prospect of overcoming four decades of division.
A daunting reality of conducting business in Vietnam,
In my case, learning to play the guitar is a daunting task. I just don't have the talent.
The prospect of teaching a class of twenty children is a daunting one for a novice teacher.
Many smaller firms say the City would thrive once free of EU regulation, but the bigger revenue and job creators believe the risks of life outside would be too daunting to wish for.
The other alternative, Kashgar in far eastern China, was equally daunting.
Have you ever found paying off a loan daunting?