slovník Němec - Angličtina

Deutsch - English

frank v angličtině:

1. frank

My father is frank.
Tom and Frank are good friends.
The theater company's characterization of Anne Frank was very emotional, but tasteful.
Frank was waiting with pleasure for the date in the evening.
Frank can't have been ill. He was playing tennis all day.
The man who telephoned an hour ago was Frank.
Frank majored in sociology at university.
How's everything these days, Frank?
Frank left a message by means of a secret code.
I don't think Robert was frank with us about his financial situation.
Kate looked at Sam with frank admiration
He usually eats three eggs and few franks for breakfast.
The magazine, which gives frank advice about sex and romance, is aimed at the teenage market.
I know you're a frank and reliable person.
Frank had a reputation as a bad boy but he lived it down as he grew up.