slovník Němec - Angličtina

Deutsch - English

seelische v angličtině:

1. mental

There are two kinds of work in the world--head work and hand work; mental and manual.
When I speak to a Westerner, I have to shift mental gears, so to speak.
His trouble was chiefly mental.
It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society.
The main point of Dennett's book, in short, is to deny the existence of inner mental states.
It seems as if dishonorable, labyrinthine, deliberately confusing economic policies have earned more support from the president than every physical and mental disability combined.
But in many ways, the bird called Alex is unusual, for it has shown the kind of mental abilities that scientists once thought only humans had.
In such cases, adults should not scold them instantly, but be patient with them, considering their mental growth.
Through the internet, we are now able to acquaint ourselves, deeply and in detail, with the mental activities of even the furthest people on the planet.
About 50 percent of the firms in Japan have acknowledged the necessity of giving their workers longer holidays, and think summer holidays are needed to give their workers both mental and physical refreshment.
Much of our daily living must consist of routine that requires little or no mental effort.
Our parliament is full of mentals. I hope that one day they're gonna end up in some laughing academy. I also hope that it ain't gonna happen too late for us citizens.
Korean mental hospitals have been compared to concentration camps. Patients are said to be treated like animals who are subjected to violence and maltreatment rather than therapy.
I'm going to a training camp tomorrow. However it's not the physical side that I'll be training, but the mental.

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