slovník Němec - Angličtina

Deutsch - English

sich sonnen v angličtině:

1. sunbathe sunbathe

We sunbathed every day.
This beach is a good place to sunbathe.
You shouldn’t sunbathe at midday. The sun is too hot then.
I like to sunbathe

2. sun oneself sun oneself

Angličtina slovo „sich sonnen„(sun oneself) se zobrazí v sadách:

Reflexive Verben

3. sunbathing sunbathing

Let's go sunbathing.
I like sunbathing in the morning when the sun is not so hot.

Angličtina slovo „sich sonnen„(sunbathing) se zobrazí v sadách:

Sports and hobbies - Sport und Hobby

4. to take a sunbath to take a sunbath

Angličtina slovo „sich sonnen„(to take a sunbath) se zobrazí v sadách:

Reflexiv verbs