slovník Angličtina - Angličtina

English - English

world v angličtině:

1. travel travel

I often travel.
If you always travel by subway, you seldom surface other than at your stop.
Space travel will be commonplace some time in the future.
My aim is to learn enough English so I don't need to carry a dictionary with me when I travel.
I have many visas in my passport because I travel a lot for my job.
No matter where you may travel, be sure to phone me once a week.
When you travel abroad, you need change in the currency of the country you are visiting to pay for a taxi, a cup of coffee or a tip.
They were determined to travel the length of Vietnam in just eight days.
In the absence of my travel partner, I took several solo trips.
We can travel through time. And we do at the remarkable rate of one second per second.
It's not clear right now whether time travel is really something that exists in reality but its possibility has been proven by theoretical physics.
We will arrange travel expenses for trips for research purposes, so go to whatever country you want to.
Putting my traveling experience to good use, I started a travel agency.
The train was full, so she was obliged to travel second-class, and had to stand all the way.
But light does not travel at the same speed through all materials; it goes slower through some than through others.

2. universe universe

The universe is endless.
Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone.
Any universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind able to understand it.
Although our universe is still young, theorists are busy exploring its ultimate fate.
They used math to calculate the shape of the universe immediately before and after the Big Bang.
The Miss Universe contestant tripped on her gown but got up again gracefully and continued down the runway.
According to the "ahl al-haqq" the universe consists of only one substance, and all what we name generations and corruptions, death and life, is a mere combination or dissolution of modes.
There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.
Why have you written this book on the system of the universe, and have never even mentioned its Creator?
In this paper they made the remarkable prediction that radiation (in the form of photons) from the very hot stages of the universe should still be around today.
It is, moreover, very difficult to explain in any other way why there should be so much helium in the universe.
I think it is certain that there is intelligent life in this universe, but the likelihood of that life coming to Earth is practically nil.
Pastafarians believe that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe.
It can be said, in fact, that research, by exploring the greatest and the smallest, contributes to the glory of God which is reflected in every part of the universe.

3. worldwide worldwide

Blindness is responsible for a staggering toll of poor health, suffering, and loss of dignity and diminution in the quality of lives of people worldwide.
Tolstoy achieved worldwide fame.
If there's a world-wide all-out nuclear war it's said that there will be a "nuclear winter" all over the planet for several months.
Our international sales continue to grow, bringing the name of Toyo Computer into businesses world-wide.
Global warming will change the patterns of the weather world-wide.
Turpan grapes are famous worldwide.
A worldwide plague of theft emptied museums.
We have new data about production and sale of electric fly swatters worldwide.
The Lockheed scandal is a worldwide corruption scandal involving the major American plane manufacturer Lockheed. It came to light in February 1976 and revolved mainly around the acceptance of passenger plane contracts.
Suppose there was a worldwide oil shortage in ten years' time. What would happen to the industrialised countries?
Only 4% of energy worldwide is nuclear at the moment.
Many people worldwide are hungry due to extreme poverty.
worldwide shipping /
We have offices in over 56 countries worldwide.
When it comes to Chinese books that are overvalued worldwide I suppose it's Sun Tzu, isn't it?