slovník esperanto - Angličtina

Esperanto - English

ŝafto v angličtině:

1. shaft shaft

His old company gave him the shaft. But I admire the way he turned bad luck into good and did even better with his own business.
After spending 70 days trapped in a collapsed mine shaft, all of the 33 Chilean miners were rescued.
a mineshaft
the gaff and the harpoon with its shaft
shaft of engine - wał napędowy; shaft of sunlight - snop światła
The shaft of a hammer was bigger than my palm.
Dung beetle tunnels will serve as ventilation shafts, bringing oxygen into the pat.
I'm gonna shaft that scum.
the shaft of a golf club. The arrow maker ensured the shaft was straight.
... each one trying to shaft the next.
This shaft links with a piston.
You are in a narrow rocky shaft. There is some light shining from far above. Below you is the cave you started in. What do you do now?