slovník esperanto - Angličtina

Esperanto - English

administrado v angličtině:

1. administration administration

The heat is on the administration to come up with a new policy.
The administration cannot but look for alternative sources of revenue.
The students protest against the administration of the university.
The university administration lowered tuition.
The administration decided to move the home office of the company to Hawaii.
We need someone who has some experience in administration.
The administration makes important decisions.
If the university doesn't have enough students, the administration will cancel the class.
The appropriation is pin-money; it wouldn't be enough even to build a gym, much less build the administration building.
He's in charge of administration at the hospital.
Colin Powell is the Secretary of State in the George Bush administration.
Who is this administration appointing for district supervisor?
The decision was made by the school administration.
I work in the public administration.
The incumbent's rival is taking issue with the claim that crime was reduced by 50% under the current administration.