slovník esperanto - Angličtina

Esperanto - English

faktoro v angličtině:

1. factor

When applying to American universities, your TOEFL score is only one factor.
economic, deciding factor
When we take the wind-chill factor into account, the temperature must have been lower than thirty degrees below zero centigrade.
The determining factor in question is whether this social welfare plan can facilitate the influx of immigrants.
This is a basic factor that can even be said to be the common lot of man, it certainly doesn't apply only to Germans.
There seems to be a slight difference on the treatment of the B factor between their approaches.
A high savings rate is cited as one factor for Japan's strong economic growth because it means the availability of abundant investment capital.
That method's OK but if you use the factor theorem here ...
We consider now pairwise non-isomorphic factor modules of this faithful module.
As a consequence of its fun factor, Tatoeba contains random bits of factual information.
“They definitely play very important roles; however, we don’t know at this point, which is the dominant factor,” she added.
If I were going to buy a house, the size of the house would be a major factor...
key factor(kluczowy czynnik)
I am at the mercy of myriad external factors.
The recent IPCC report concludes that very heavy rain has increased in frequency during the last 50 years and that global warming has been a factor.