slovník esperanto - Angličtina

Esperanto - English

plenumi v angličtině:

1. fulfill

Many people encouraged me to fulfill my ambitions.
fulfill a promise
I've steeled myself to face a certain amount of sacrifice, effort and hardship if that's what it takes to fulfill my dream.
Can he fulfill his dream?
His good nature seems to fulfill the role of reducing the family's trouble.
fulfill the terms of agreement
fulfill / meet requirements
Many fathers don't fulfill their duty as a parent.
Implementation of EETS was subject to a decision ofthe Commision giving a detailed description of the conditions which have to be fulfilled for its implementation.
3xx (Redirected) Further action is needed to fulfillthe request
She said the president had failed to fulfill his campaign promises.
I fulfilled my dream of being rich when I won the lottery.
he wouldn't be able to fulfill his ambition to visit Naples
They are no longer sure their hope will be fulfilled.