slovník Španělština - Angličtina

español - English

de costado v angličtině:

1. alongside alongside

I feel safe with you alongside
Nick caught up with me and rode alongside.
She was riding a bike and he was walking alongside.
The two houses stand alongside of each other.
Much of the land alongside the river is below sea level.
A car pulled up alongside ours.
I've already had the entrance ceremony. It's a university alongside the same railway line.
Even if it's just for a short while fighting alongside us is all I could ask for.
My dog rode alongside me in the car on our trip to New York.
For the first time on an iPad you can now run two apps at the same time, meaning you can browse the internet alongside writing a document.
a garden with a small river running alongside
We parked alongside a white van.
next to the side of something: A car drew up alongside.
The new pill will be used alongside existing medicines.
The Okinawans came to be forced to live alongside life-threatening danger.

Angličtina slovo „de costado„(alongside) se zobrazí v sadách:

El atraque - Docking