thank you
thank you very much
Angličtina slovo „gracias„(thank you) se zobrazí v sadách:
Cómo memorizar frases básicas en inglésComplete Spanish: Before you startAngielsko-hiszpañskie bujdysegunda parte1.¡Mucho gusto!2.
I also wanted to enjoy the break, but thanks to preparation and supplementary lessons for a certain six-man team, I got none!
Thanks to the Internet, the world is beginning to turn away from the centralization of resources and power that characterized the Industrial Revolution.
It's talking about how, thanks to air transport, we've lost the sense of 'season' for foodstuffs.
Ladies and Gentlemen, thanks to your untiring efforts our hideout is finally complete!!
You were so nice to me, and I had a really pleasant trip. Thanks so much.
Sales at the company zoomed thanks to brisk export demand, but profit did not keep up because of intense competition.
The Commerce Department reports retail sales rose seven-tenths of 1 percent last month mainly thanks to strong auto sales.
But we do know many things about his character, thanks to letters and notebooks he left behind and other people's stories about him.
Thanks to Facebook, stalking is no longer the bastion of a few devoted enthusiasts, but a highly automated task convenient enough even for the busy housewife.
Look! Thanks to you I'm getting dumped all the time. "Oh? Isn't it just because of your everyday behaviour?"
Her standards for men are impossibly high, thanks to a girlhood rich in Disney, Cosmopolitan, and private school.
The United States is a paradise for almost every kind of sports, thanks to its wonderfully varied climate.
The main streets of many small towns have been all but abandoned thanks, in large part, to behemoths like Wal-Mart.
Though it is poor in natural resources, Japan has become an economic superpower thanks to international trade.
Angličtina slovo „gracias„(thanks) se zobrazí v sadách:
Fichas del libro - "Bluebeard" (Clifton Johnson)Fichas del libro - "Lost Diaries" (Maurice Baring)useful phrases in Spanish - las expresiones útiles...Fichas del libro - "Heart of Darkness" (Joseph Con...Fichas del libro - "Something Else Again" (Frankli...3. graces
It's better to stay in her mother's good graces.
Never were finer women or more accomplished men seen in any Court, and Nature seemed to have taken pleasure in lavishing her greatest graces on the greatest persons.
Angličtina slovo „gracias„(graces) se zobrazí v sadách:
Fichas del libro - "The Life of St. Teresa of Jesu...Fichas del libro - "The Rainbow, After the Thunder...Fichas del libro - "The Ducks and Frogs, A Tale of...