slovník perský - Angličtina

فارسی - English

تشخيص، تشخيص ناخوشى v angličtině:

1. diagnosis

Doctor House's diagnosis was right.
The doctor did not want to tell the diagnosis in the presence of the patient.
You must leave diagnosis to your doctor.
If this doctor confirms the diagnosis, we will have to start treatment immediately.
She gives a careful diagnosis to everyone.
Avian medicine - diagnosis and treatment of illnesses.
The diagnosis went well.
Do you want to know the diagnosis?
Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent serious problems.
The diagnosis of this patient is not good.
I'm waiting for my doctor's diagnosis right now.
The doctor gave me the wrong diagnosis.
My diagnosis is that you're suffering from stress.
The doctor diagnosis included intelectual disability and no awareness of the outside world
He exhibited a number of behaviors typical of his diagnosis.