slovník finský - Angličtina

suomen kieli - English

asia v angličtině:

1. a thing

Angličtina slovo „asia„(a thing) se zobrazí v sadách:

Top 1000 Finnish Words 1 - 50
Top 1000 Finnish Nouns 1 - 50

2. case

This case is complicated.
That's a clear case of "water off a duck's back".
Can a case be made for late-term abortions?
A very unfortunate case came to our attention several years ago.
Our whole case hinges on whether the government's actions were constitutional or not.
The Democrats haven't decided on their candidates yet, but in any case they're sure to lose.
In any case, now I'm considering trying out some likely things.
Have you ever been a witness in a court case?
In any case I just want to make clear that the fact that these are not normal people.
In case the shipment is delayed, we have special delay insurance.
camera case
I wish my family would put DVDs back in their cases.
A more experienced lawyer would have dealt with the case in a different way.
You should stockpile necessary supplies in case of a big earthquake.
In the case of language, however, it is only the ability to talk and understand that we inherit genetically; the particular language or languages that we speak are passed on to us not by genetic transmission but by cultural transmission.

3. matter

It doesn't matter.
That matter was decided by the Supreme Court.
No matter how often I tell her, she keeps making the same mistake.
Making light of cavities can be a matter of life and death.
He got tired of being the devil's advocate and now agrees with every idea they suggest, no matter how dumb.
So far as this matter is concerned, I am completely satisfied.
The millionaire insisted on acquiring the masterpiece no matter how much it cost.
I have a complicated matter I want to discuss with you.
In the matter of food and clothing, we are pretty well off.
How to deal with environmental pollution is a serious matter.
You say I should know him quite well, but as a matter of fact, I was introduced to him only last week.
Your joke is funny no matter how many times I hear it.
I was going to speak to his father about that matter, but thought better of it.
No matter what your profession, or how happy you may be in it, there are moments when you wish you had chosen some other career.
Morality is mostly a matter of how much temptation you can withstand.

Angličtina slovo „asia„(matter) se zobrazí v sadách:

Top 1000 Finnish Nouns 201 - 250