slovník finský - Angličtina

suomen kieli - English

hämmästyksissään v angličtině:

1. astonished astonished

I'm astonished by her cleverness.
His admission that he had stolen the money astonished his family.
The size of the elephant astonished the little boy.
The fearful noise astonished anyone coming for the first time.
His impractical proposal astonished us all.
I have to say I am astonished at how things are presented here.
The large size of his pay rise astonished Mr Jones.
When I asked to see my mother they seemed astonished.
Andy was astonished when his parents gave him a car for his birthday.
Everyone was astonished when I beat the school champion at tennis.
when the doctors and consultants came round on their ward rounds the next day, they were astonished to see my heart beating
They ​looked astonished when I ​announced I was ​pregnant.
I think astonished would be a more accurate word. / I'm not astonished you're here. / The whole school is astonished at his knowledge and intelligence. / I was astonished by his stupidity.
At the same time, it is ironic perhaps, I say ironic because in one sense, many Europeans are always astonished about the, and troubled by the religious overtone of some of our political discourse and how at times obsessed Americans seem to be with r
Should he know the fact, he would be astonished.