slovník finský - Angličtina

suomen kieli - English

täsmällinen v angličtině:

1. precise precise

My watch is very precise.
I can tell you the precise time of the earthquake because I remember looking at the clock a second before it struck.
Above all, logic requires precise definitions.
The journey takes just over fourteen hours, fourteen hours and fifteen minutes to be precise.
Give me a precise answer.
The manager gave the precise answer which I was looking for.
She is precise in keeping appointments.
The word 'excessive competition' is frequently used in Japanese industry, but there is not a precise definition of the practice.
1. He's usually very precise with time. / 2. This guy's organized and precise.
to be precise
There was a good turnout for the meeting - twelve of us to be precise.
You need to be very precise when you are making desserts.
The heart surgeon was very precise when it came to opening the chest of the patient.
Every translator has to be really precise.
precise measurements