slovník Francouzský - Angličtina

Français - English

aspirateur v angličtině:

1. aspirator aspirator

Angličtina slovo „aspirateur„(aspirator) se zobrazí v sadách:

Fiches du livre - "Sounding the Ocean of Air" (A. ...
Fiches du livre - "The History of Bread From Pre-h...
Fiches du livre - "The Principles of Chemistry Vol...
Fiches du livre - "Report on Surgery to the Santa ...
Fiches du livre - "The Cleveland Medical Gazette, ...

2. vacuum cleaner vacuum cleaner

This vacuum cleaner must be broken, it won't suck up dust.
If you have an allergy you should buy a vacuum cleaner with a water filter.
My vacuum cleaner isn't working well.
I love my new robot vacuum cleaner. It cleans the floors while I'm at work.
When was the first vacuum cleaner made?
I need a new vacuum cleaner ‐ this one's terrible!
Allow me to demonstrate this vacuum cleaner.

Angličtina slovo „aspirateur„(vacuum cleaner) se zobrazí v sadách:

ang 9 eme p. 20 et 21
unit 5 vocab