slovník Maďarština - Angličtina

magyar - English

látszólag v angličtině:

1. apparently

Apparently ice is lethal!
In the financial world opposition is apparently increasing against the withdrawal of the proposed bill.
The lake was ringed by a fence, apparently for health and safety reasons.
The ownership of women begins in the lower barbarian stages of culture, apparently with the seizure of female captives. The original reason for the seizure and appropriation of women seems to have been their usefulness as trophies.
The magician Sarah. Apparently people call her "The Great Mage" or some such.
His criminal record is apparently for murder, but he won't start to talk about the details.
It's apparently a metaphor for something uncatchable, light of body and fleet of foot.
By the by, this ability to will fire into existence is apparently called pyrokinesis.
Educational autism in the California school system apparently has looser criteria than the DSM-IV's series of autistic disorders.
The shirt she apparently seriously thought suited me I turned down and decided to accept a light blue polo shirt.
The story that, "Apparently the new primary school curriculum will teach that pi as 3" spread this March.
Apparently, this is our contribution to curtailing bureaucracy. And it's apparently okay to marry a boy from Georgia, but not to have hair from Texas. The process, which is apparently still ongoing, started 12 years ago.
Yes, apparently one of the lecturers at a college died last night. / 2. Well, apparently a lot happened while I was in the city.
1. He had no notes - apparently he needed none. Apparently, she considered me an easy mark. 2. Apparently, they broke up. He was brave only apparently.
Cars that, when new, cost 3,000,000 yen are apparently now worth 300,000, so I think I'll use mine a little longer.

Angličtina slovo „látszólag„(apparently) se zobrazí v sadách:

Harry Potter 4

2. seemingly

Heidi was seemingly calm when she left to take the test.
The machine, seemingly not too complicated, was in fact incredibly hard to operate.
seemingly impossible task
It warms your heart to, when listening to a song in a (seemingly!) foreign language like Slovak, Macedonian, Slovenian, hear words you have known since your childhood and even understand whole phrases.
I think that against somebody like that, my seemingly clever techniques would be seen through and then I would be defeated.
... and comprehension is the seemingly passive activity of listening...
Mr Lewis' experience is the latest of a number of incidents of white people calling the police to report black people for undertaking seemingly normal daily activities.
I don't know what's got into him recently. Even seemingly innocent remarks make him furious.
seemingly unrelated bits of information
A seemingly infallible system that finally provides security.
against last week’s seemingly unbeatable “Battle Of The Bastards.”
The ​factory ​closure is seemingly ​inevitable.
This raises two seemingly fundamental questions.
I find my experience from 20 years of Africa is that the seemingly impossible is possible.
The odds were seemingly insurmountable but he overcame them to win the presidency.