slovník Maďarština - Angličtina

magyar - English

megérdemel v angličtině:

1. deserve

Many people argue that these stars deserve their earnings for a number of important reasons.
deserved victory
He was bored with his wife, an excellent woman he didn't deserve.
A son who could not learn to paddle his own canoe does not deserve to inherit his father's fortune.
I haven't bought a pair of shoes for six months; I deserve a new pair so I think I'll go buy them!
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
You're always lying- that's why people don't take you seriously. You get what you deserve.
People who are made much of by the public are not always those who most deserve it.
/dezerw/ * You deserve a rest *have earned sth because of your good or bad actions or behaviour (+ to be..He deserves to be promoted)
(get) Kim deserves ... the job. She's a very strong candidate.
She was the best singer in the competition and really deserved first prize
If anyone deserves to be wrapped up in seaweed and buried in mud, it's you.
After torturing a fortune-teller by tickling him to death for several hours, Christopher Columbus placed the noob toy in a treasure chest with the inscription: "To the great pirate of the future Al-Sayib: Noobs always deserve it."

Angličtina slovo „megérdemel„(deserve) se zobrazí v sadách:

Lesson 35 C1