slovník Maďarština - Angličtina

magyar - English

nevezetesség v angličtině:

1. landmark landmark

You can get in touch with me at Hotel Landmark.
Tower Bridge is a famous London landmark.
The discovery of penicillin was a landmark in medicine.
The baby was one of the big landmarks in our relationship 2. In retrospect, it stands in my memory as something of a landmark. 3. The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous landmark in San Francisco
2009 marks 20 years since the passage of a landmark piece of legislation in the U.S.
The famous New York landmark is only accessible by ferry.
... landmark series...
To this day, the Sigismund Column is one of Warsaw's most famous landmarks.
The obvious landmark of Paris is the Eiffel Tower.
This day marks a landmark achievement for our company.
For most of its history, the house has been a local landmark.
The Sagrada Familia church is the most famous landmark Barcelona by Antoni Gaudí.
a landmark ruling (=an important decision made in a court of law)
This book has become a landmark in art criticism.
I wish to know a landmark nearby so I can find my way there.

2. sight sight

Land came in sight.
Is there any end in sight to the deepening economic crisis?
Men in kimonos are no longer a common sight in Tokyo.
Sight is one of the five senses.
It must have been a frightening sight for them to watch.
As we went around the corner, the lake came in sight.
A magnificent sight presented itself before us.
There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist, except an old optimist.
The sight was too miserable to look at.
Gentlemen, at the beginning of this century, France was for all nations a magnificent sight.
To his surprise, she was nowhere in sight, and he wondered if she had returned home alone.
The sight memory organ is below the hypothalamus.
I took care to make the letters large and be generous with character and line spacing in order for it to be easy to read for the elderly and those who have problems with their sight.
You'll have to pay a damn sight more than that for it.