slovník Maďarština - Angličtina

magyar - English

nyereség v angličtině:

1. gain gain

It took some 150 years of struggling for women to gain the freedom they have today.
By next summer I will have lost the kilograms that I gained during winter.
gain experience
In order to gain media recognition, sometimes AIDS patients have to push themselves into the public eye.
Human society is a function of all humanity, those who profit most from it should pay the most for the benefit they gain, of course being greedy, they just want more.
By reading books and discussing concepts, a person can gain wisdom and tolerance of differing ideas.
There appeared at this time a lady at Court, who drew the eyes of the whole world; and one may imagine she was a perfect beauty, to gain admiration in a place where there were so many fine women.
No matter how much you try, you don't lose even a kilo. You might even gain a little weight. This is the diet plateau.
According to Tom, Mary is just a predatory guru who promises gain.
Why don't you mind your own business? What do you gain by sticking your nose into other people's affairs?
Then he turned to the prisoner and said in a slow, threatening voice, What did you hope to gain by giving me a false name and address?
Side effects of the drugs may include tiredness, headaches, or weight gain.
It represents a gain for Europe's businesses as well as its people.
Summon Voidling is a passive ability that gains a charge every time Malzahar uses a champion ablity.
What are the potential gains from expanding the company? There were obvious gains for senior citizens. During the course, he gained an understanding of international finance.

2. profit profit

You must not think about your immediate profit only.
Brokers struggling to make a profit don't always play by the book.
annual profit
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.
Never mind that. After all up till now he's stuffed himself on huge profit selling high brand-name goods of no real worth. From now on he can just try his best at honest trade.
Sales at the company zoomed thanks to brisk export demand, but profit did not keep up because of intense competition.
Human society is a function of all humanity, those who profit most from it should pay the most for the benefit they gain, of course being greedy, they just want more.
Profit is better than fame.
As shown above, it is possible to obtain ample profit and customers with truly simple know-how that anyone can do!
Profit on computers for the previous year was nearly ten percent higher than the current year.
1. A financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something; 2. The good result or advantage... E.g. He’s been in business five years, but has not yet turned a profit.
Net profit for the period is estimated at 5 billion yen, largely unchanged from the previous one.
Net profit for the last three months is a new record high!
Peter was an altruistic video game player; he would give items to people who needed them, rather than selling them for personal profit.
All men who profit from the fruits of the earth must give back part of them to the Church, who will apply them to three uses: providing for pastors, the maintenance of religious buildings, help to the poor.

Angličtina slovo „nyereség„(profit) se zobrazí v sadách:

Business vocab 1.

3. gaining gaining

The typhoon is gaining strength as it heads for Kyushu.
His car is gaining on us.
Our team is gaining ground.
I'm gaining weight.
Above all, Bill was worried about gaining weight.
He studied hard with a view to gaining a scholarship.
The movement is rapidly gaining ground.
We are gaining a day.
That sports are gaining in popularity all over the world is evidenced by the sports news in the papers, by the many sports equipment stores, and by the number of runners who participate in marathons or other races.