slovník Maďarština - Angličtina

magyar - English

sértés v angličtině:

1. insult insult

Let's have a contest. The side to come up with the worst insult wins.
you insulted me
There is no greater insult to life than premature ejaculation.
Don't you know he is enraged at your insult?
Walter was taken aback by John's cruel insult.
Ending up with being called a "measles exporting country" by the rest of the world, something that you could take as insult or truth.
but also a common insult meaning someone or something that isn't functioning properly
She made several insults about my friend's appearance.
Their offer was so low I took it as an insult
Lady Stark thought it might insult the royal family to seat a bastard in their midst.
to ​insult someone by not giving them any ​attention or ​treating them as if they are not ​important: I ​think she ​felt snubbed because Anthony hadn't ​bothered to ​introduce himself.
Nobody likes a hypocrite, and it's often used as an insult.
Little boy insulted important guest during yesterday's event
They’re insulting us by offering so little money.

Angličtina slovo „sértés„(insult) se zobrazí v sadách:

kul9nangol 4a

2. offence offence

I found it truly regrettable that he should take offence.
Such an offence is punished by a fine and/or imprisonment.
cause offence
Any offence against himself he forgave readily.
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
The law prescribes certain penalties for this offence.
It is hard to prevent hardened criminals from committing any offence.
I really didn't mean (to cause/give) any offence (= did not intend to upset anyone) - I was just stating my opinion.
He took it as a personal offence that Henry was promoted before him.
A groundless reduction of employee benefits is an offence.
Take no offence, but I think your qualifications aren't enough for this job.
He was not aware that he had committed an offence. Many people take offence at swearing.
In many countries these days it is an offence to smoke in various public places.
Offence is another word for offense, which is a wrongdoing or discourtesy. When you break a legal rule or a social norm, this is an example of an offence.

Angličtina slovo „sértés„(offence) se zobrazí v sadách:

Unit 12 Crime and punishment