slovník Maďarština - Angličtina

magyar - English

sima v angličtině:

1. smooth smooth

The last to leave was a tall man, with a pale face and smooth, black hair.
You should smooth the door before painting it. My skin is so smooth after using this cream.
go smoothly
The car's improved suspension gives a much smoother ride thanearlier models.
I didn't envision him as a Klingon speaker; his forehead was too smooth.
Your presentation was so smooth and fluent - what can I say?
The mountains, too, at a distance appear airy masses and smooth, but seen near at hand, they are rough.
This is a smooth wine, which goes down easy.
Then it draws more silky lines across these spokes, leaving a smooth, non-sticky patch in the middle of the web.
It certainly feels smooth when you run the shaver over your skin.
I've had my hair removed permanently, so my skin is smooth.
The unusual style of the original isn’t served by the rather smooth translation.
smooth descent or gentle rise from its discreet hiding place in the ceiling or the floor.
A smooth surface of road, water...
gładki jak smoothy soczek

Angličtina slovo „sima„(smooth) se zobrazí v sadách:

Harry Potter 4

2. slick

the slick dialogues
Your car unexpectedly skids on a large oil slick.
The road is slick so don't drive too fast.
It was a slick movie, but I couldn't expect more from a summer blockbuster.
Watch yourself. She's a pretty slick lady.
A good salesman must be slick.
That was a slick speech. Congrats!
If you want to be a great gambler you need to be slick.
... had a journal-- a slick journal-- a" Journal of...
Don't swallow that slick propaganda.
If I don't wash my hair for a day, it becomes slick with oil and flat.