slovník Maďarština - Angličtina

magyar - English

szikla v angličtině:

1. rock rock

Everyone is happy with the decision, so please don't rock the boat.
When the rock singer appeared on the stage, the audience at the concert clapped loudly.
heavy rock
Riding my bicycle, the boy ran into a big rock.
Rock-paper-scissors, OK? "Rock." "Sciss... paper." "You cheated!"
For rock it's hard to know on what basis you should call something 'hi-fi'.
Modern heroes are represented by rock stars.
When the bomb was dropped, I felt the house rock back and forth.
Rock, paper, scissors.
Makoto found his true love on top of Ayers Rock. She's from Osaka.
It's getting dark early around here. The sun seems to drop like a rock when autumn rolls around.
The Court has no fears for the safety of the Christian religion. It does not believe that the rock upon which Christianity stands can ever be shaken.
And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years, the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady, Michelle Obama.
I've done rock climbing and deep-sea diving and slept in an Indonesian jungle.
When they pass through strong wind, the planes rock like this, but don't worry.

2. cliff cliff

His son fell over the cliff.
The cliff is almost vertical.
Tom committed suicide by jumping off a cliff.
It was a real challenge for us to go down the cliff on a rope.
The cliff collapsed, the rocks split, and the empty sky filled with a noisy clamor.
The man and his horse that fell off the cliff were soon rescued.
Climbing the cliff alone is a bold deed.
There is a narrow path running along by the cliff.
If you shout from the top of a cliff, you can hear the echo of your voice.
The bus fell off the cliff, killing all 10 aboard.
Be like the palm tree - the more it gets pressed by the cliff, the quicker and more beautiful its rise to the top.
I saw beautiful cliffs in England.
Going by ferry from France to England you can see from a distance white cliffs of Dover.
We watched the birds flying near their nests on the rocky cliffs above the beach.