slovník Maďarština - Angličtina

magyar - English

teljes v angličtině:

1. entire entire

He gave away his entire fortune to an old friend's daughter, and expected nothing in return.
According to Tom's will, Mary will inherit his entire estate.
entire world
Christopher Columbus once discovered an entire ship of deceased sailors... and politely ignored it.
Somehow, a nearly bankrupt third-party publisher flashed the new Castlevania game onto the memory incompletely. As a result, an entire generation of kids in Macon, Georgia unanimously condemned it as "Simon Does Nothing but Fall into a Bottomless Pit."
Education must not be limited to our youth, but it must be a continuing process through our entire lives.
When an average person sends a message in a bottle, it's just a childish fantasy. When Christopher Columbus sends a message in a bottle, the fate of an entire country is at stake.
The entire village left the next day in about thirty canoes, leaving us alone with the women and children in the abandoned houses.
When he asked for a single slice, they gave him an entire uncut pizza, which he proceeded to eat by rolling it up like a burrito and just shoveling it in. The question, of course, is whether a whole entity is a slice of itself.
See how Lenny can swallow an entire hot dog without chewing or choking? That's why upper management loves him so much.
However, there are instances in history where entire peoples were successfully exterminated.
When this is the case, the setting sets a value for an entire zone, the user account general preference sets a value for a specific user, then that specific user can set his/her own personal preference.
That power drill will be used around 12 to 13 minutes in its entire lifetime.
As long as you have someone you love from the heart, you have a motivating force and you can face the entire world.