slovník japonský - Angličtina

日本語, にほんご - English

ほがらかな v angličtině:

1. cheerful

I really miss the cheerful Tom I used to know. What happened to you?
Cheerful people make you feel good.
cheerful girl
Is it true that the Pacific side of Japan is cheerful while the Sea of Japan side of Japan is more quiet?
Be cheerful! Add an exclamation mark to all of your sentences!
Rather than light-hearted and cheerful men, I'm attracted to sober men with a bit of a dark side to them.
Her cheerful voice responded just like that. Guess I was worrying over nothing...
For a healthy cheerful guy like that to get sick is like the devil getting sunstroke. Everyone is talking about it.
I think it is so cheerful. / He is always cheerful and smiling. / The main character of this story is a cheerful but ordinary student.
I would also like to thank our unfailingly cheerful colleagues from the CSU who have had to show me such forbearance.
He's usually fairly cheerful. / You're not your usual cheerful self today. / He felt bright and cheerful and full of energy.
Turn this depressing music off and put on something cheerful.
I had a long, hard trip and was looking forward to a cheerful, bright house... a warm bed.
being cheerful is the key to a long and healthy life
I'd go to the goth club more often, but my outfits are depressingly cheerful, not cheerfully depressing.