slovník japonský - Angličtina

日本語, にほんご - English

弟子 v angličtině:

1. Disciple

I was using my energy to say no to life, even though this was completely contrary to everything I had learned as a disciple.
The disciples always have to know where to find their Master.
He was one of the twelve disciples.
It goes without saying that at that time a kind of friendship beyond master and disciple grew between the two of them.
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

2. pupil

My school has over 600 pupils.
The pupil was punished for smoking.
The pupils listened to the teacher.
I'm not a pupil.
She proved an intelligent pupil.
He praised the pupil for his honesty.
The teacher acknowledged the pupil with a smile.
The shy pupil murmured his answer.
A teacher should never make fun of a pupil who makes a mistake.
For example, if a chain-smoking teacher cautions a pupil for smoking, that warning is self-contradictory.
I have agreed to let a friend's son come up to this farm by day for about six months as a sort of farm pupil.
However, he is very severe to those pupils who do not want to study and dislikes those who are arrogant and conceited.
ученики школы No. 5|the pupils of school no. 5
The black portion of an eye is called the pupil.
It was on my mind so much that I unthinkingly asked the pupil in front of me.

Angličtina slovo „弟子„(pupil) se zobrazí v sadách:

lekcja 1. 15,16