slovník japonský - Angličtina

日本語, にほんご - English

話し合います v angličtině:

1. Discuss Discuss

Let's discuss the problem.
This note summarizes some information that we hope to discuss at the meeting in San Francisco.
Will you make a list of issues to discuss?
Please make an appointment to come in and discuss this further.
There is a matter that we would like to discuss urgently regarding club activities, so please come to the staff room.
Discuss the basic procedures involved in the analysis of conversational interaction.
Pentagon officials won't say when the problem turned up and refused to discuss details about the flight.
He always appeared to be ready to discuss anything and was very tolerant.
Discuss and give examples.
I know that if we discuss it, we can find a solution that will satisfy both of us.
the programme where we discuss a topical subject
discuss set books
The Queen discusses politics with the Prime Minster of the United Kingdom every Tuesday.
One after the other, we are discussing proposals to improve maritime safety.
I discussed the matter with my wife / The police want to discuss these recent racist attacks with local people. (discuss something with somebody)