slovník latina - Angličtina

latine - English

adventum v angličtině:

1. coming coming

I'm coming.
The radio warned us of the coming earthquake and we started gathering our things.
I had not been waiting long before I heard footsteps coming upstairs.
I love looking at everyone's colorful kimonos on Coming of Age Day.
I can't work at all with all these useless calls coming in.
He's coming back from America a week from today.
Instead of coming directly home, I took the long way and stopped by the post office.
Tom could hardly believe his ears when he heard that Mary was coming back home to stay.
Tom loves coming here since he thinks this place serves the only fast food worth eating.
It was bad enough that he usually came to work late, but coming in drunk was the last straw, and I'm going to have to let him go.
Now you've mentioned it, I remember coming here with my parents when I was a child.
Large catches of squid are a sign of a coming earthquake.
I'm coming to your party and bringing you an unusual present.
Typical Japanese babies sleep with their mother after coming home from hospital.
There have been a lot of complaints in the last few days about the amount of noise coming from your apartment.