slovník latina - Angličtina

latine - English

audax v angličtině:

1. bold bold

Being bold doesn't always pay off.
When the time is ripe, be bold and go for it! I'll stand by you.
She always had a soft spot for bold and open-minded men.
bold adverbs
This morning at the station, her attention was caught by a poster with bold letters.
The talented young chess player is very bold. He deliberately lays himself open to attack, makes himself vulnerable and then checkmates his opponent when least expected.
The bold man glanced at the gangster with hatred and contempt.
Her bold plan seemed to be too difficult, but before long it proved to be practicable.
But it is specially evil that the young maiden folk are exceedingly bold of speech and bearing, and curse like troopers, to say nothing of their shameful words and scandalous coarse sayings, which one always hears and learns from another.
A knife perhaps, a good sharp one, and a bold man to wield it.
As if to emphasise the point, the report prints the comment in bold type.
Well, he was bold and courageous in his attempts to catch potential employers' attention.
A person who is not afraid to speak up for what he believes, even to people with more power than him, is an example of someone who is bold.
and then it was the pirates who became too bold
In a bold step the management decided to downisize the staff.