slovník latina - Angličtina

latine - English

festina v angličtině:

1. haste

Haste makes waste.
The report was prepared in haste and had several misspellings.
working with feverish haste
If the tip was a dime in one glass, the waitress, in her haste to get the table ready for the next customer, would pick up the glass, the water would spill out, and that would be the end of it.
More haste, less speed.
All my haste was in vain.
It may seem like a hassle, but I think you ought to go back to the basics and start over. Haste makes waste they say.
The travelers made haste as evening drew near.
I had breakfast in haste in order to be in time for the first bus.
Do it in haste but with care.
Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.
I made haste for fear that I should miss the bus.
A messenger arrived looking for Sir Robert. He handed Sir Robert a letter and he read it in haste.
I wrote the composition in haste, so it must be full of mistakes.
In haste, he left the door open.