slovník latina - Angličtina

latine - English

minuo v angličtině:

1. bleed bleed

If your gums are sore or bleeding, see your dentist immediately.
The pin pierced his finger and it began to bleed.
His wounded leg began to bleed again.
A cut finger can sometimes bleed for a long time.
Press the cut firmly – it won’t bleed so much.
You're bleeding!
I bleed when I make love.
She'll bleed to death if the ambulance doesn't come soon.
She was bleeding from her nose.
I'm starting to bleed.
With a weak beat, it continues to bleed.
to bleed to death
If someone has a cut which is bleeding badly, you should first press on the wound.
The wound of the victim was bleeding heavily.
The doctord couldn't stop the bleeding wound