slovník Brazilská portugalština - Angličtina

Português brasileiro - English

enquanto v angličtině:

1. while

Don't eat while reading.
Some continue to work part time, while others do volunteer work.
In the past, the boys were taught to fend for themselves while still very young.
During the past several years, many Japanese have been either killed or injured while traveling overseas.
Do you know anyone who hums while they work?
While they were away on holiday, their neighbours looked after the dog.
By the way, did you have any spare time to go sightseeing while you were there?
I am wondering if you would like to go and see Kabuki with me while staying in Japan.
Tom's father comes home once in a while, but he never sticks around for long.
The nation's trade balance improved last year as exports were strong, while imports remained steady.
They found out truth while examining a pile of relevant documents.
Tom should definitely visit an art museum or two while he's in France.
Last night Mizuki, very drunk, fell into the water while walking along the lakeside.
Father kept in touch with us by mail and telephone while he was overseas.
The area was cordoned off while fire fighters tried to keep the blaze under control.

2. whilst

We were able to visit the Museum of Obsolete Computers whilst we were in Munich.
I was working hard whilst you were on holiday! My daughter is very calm, whilst my son is always full of energy.
"Tall" and "short" we use for people, whilst "high" and "low" we use for things.
They did it whilst she was asleep in the house.
If you are going to the library this afternoon, would you please return two books for me whilst you are there?
Whilst at university, Xiaowang held the post of class monitor.
However, what's interesting is that whilst there are people whose computer use has become a problem, there are also people who have recovered from illness because of using computers.
Juan was Costa Rican, whilst Pierre and Jack came from Réunion and South Africa respectively.
When answering this question, some people might put forward this kind of example: "Chinese people are very hospitable, whilst English people are more reserved."