slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

ściągnięty v angličtině:

1. pinched

He pinched and scraped for many years to save money.
pinched face
Ekstrom pinched his lips
I didn't do it. I was pinched that day.
He sat back with sour look on his pinched red face.
The young woman slapped the man who pinched her buttocks.

Angličtina slovo „ściągnięty„(pinched) se zobrazí v sadách:

Millenium 3, rozdział 11
Genetics for dummies
harry potter
Chain of Thorns

2. tight

Sit tight.
A lot of companies are going under lately because banks are so tight with their money.
Hold on tight, otherwise you will fall off.
Bodybuilding is his hobby so he has a very firm tight body with lots of muscle definition.
Insurance companies everywhere are facing hard times and have become even more tight fisted about payouts.
I fastened the box tight with a rope so that it wouldn't break up.
Monetary policy in United States has been characterized by tight credit over the months.
What're you doing? "The household books. Our finances are pretty tight so we have to do things properly."
A tight belt will interfere with circulation of the blood.
Kim is so tight, if you stuck a lump of coal up her ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond!
Even though Mr Smith was very wealthy, he was a tight wad.
There are going to be 100 people at the meeting. It will be a tight fit.
1) If sth is tight is secure and not easily moved, tense, firm, or that it fits too closely 2) something difficult to deal with’ and ‘that allows little time or space in between things.’// 3) figurative, slang (stingy, miserly) tacaño
A skin site with minimal wrinkling and not covered by tight clothing is recommended.
A sick soul that holds on tight to anger and hate will never heal until it lets go of those demons.

Angličtina slovo „ściągnięty„(tight) se zobrazí v sadách:

Angielski- budowa skóry
kolos angielski

3. fetched

He fetched some water from the well.
He fetched a few cushions to prop up her head.
... Seems far- fetched?
The mother's voice fetched her child.
Somehow, all those reasons sound rather far fetched.
The sight fetched tears from their eyes.
As she fetched Dima the suit, the shopkeeper noticed smears of blood on his shirt, and couldn't help but stare in shock.
One of his paintings fetched more than a million dollars at auction.
His ideas never fetched him a nickel.