slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

ściśnięty v angličtině:

1. compressed

This file has been compressed.
The gas was compressed into a gas cylinder.

Angličtina slovo „ściśnięty„(compressed) se zobrazí v sadách:

dział 9 i 10 ang w wet
exam III semestr

2. squashed

He squashed my hat flat.
and its face looked grumpy and oddly squashed,

3. sandwiched

He was sandwiched between two semitrucks, but thankfully he was ok and only his car was damaged.

4. Squeezed

She squeezed the juice from several oranges.
The man put the gun against his forehead and squeezed the trigger.
The girl squeezed her doll affectionately.
He squeezed the toothpaste out of a tube.
She squeezed a lemon for tea.
Fresh home-made blueberry pancakes with expensive champagne and fresh squeezed orange juice.
The company president's welcome was so long that we were squeezed for time in the second half of the ceremony.
The government finances are severely squeezed.

5. cramped

The tent was really cramped - we were squashed like sardines.
This room is cramped.
I want to move out of this cramped room as soon as I can.
My leg cramped up as I ran down the stairs to catch a train, and I had to sit down right there in the middle of the stairway.
A little cramped, but we'll make do.
There are a lot of tables for the size of the restaurant; so we felt a bit cramped.
Student flats can be quite cramped if there are a few students living together in one room.
There are a dozen of them living in a two-bedroom flat, so you can imagine how cramped the place is.
The troops slept in cramped conditions with up to 20 in a single room.
it was cramped on the train
It is a bit cramped in here, why don’t you move to a bigger flat?
a cramped ​room/​house / We have six ​desks in this ​room, so we're a little cramped (for ​space).
We had to move to a bigger house when the baby was born, as our flat was too cramped.
He lived for six months in a cold, cramped attic room.
Don`t put that big table into your kitchen, there will be too cramped.

6. clasped

She sighed and clasped her hands tightly together.
She clasped my hands and said she was glad to see me.
She had her hands clasped behind her head.

Angličtina slovo „ściśnięty„(clasped) se zobrazí v sadách:

Wall Street Story (1 i 2)

7. mulched

8. cramped up

Angličtina slovo „ściśnięty„(cramped up) se zobrazí v sadách:

środowisko, rośliny

9. huddled

People huddled in the city centre.
I huddled in a narrow doorway, taking cover as best I could while still photographing.
We were huddled to keep warmth.
... as his doctors are huddled up figuring out which...
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
Remarking on the incessant rain, John huddled under his umbrella and strode off to work.

Angličtina slovo „ściśnięty„(huddled) se zobrazí v sadách:

angieslki 13

10. cinched

Angličtina slovo „ściśnięty„(cinched) se zobrazí v sadách:

język obcy zawodowy