slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

śliskie v angličtině:

1. slippery

The roads are slippery.
The slippery snake slithered right out of his hand.
Driving on a slippery road can lead to a car wreck.
The politician is as slippery as an eel!
Caution, slippery floor.
He took her arm because the pavement was still slippery.
Jim is a slippery man. Do not trust him.
slippery pavements
The floor was so slippery that he fell and broke his arm.
In places the path can be wet and slippery.
The pavement's very slippery. You might fall over.
When it rains, slippery surfaces pose a particular threat to the elderly who could easily slip and injure themselves.
I have just broken my leg on this slippery street.
The tennis court was very slippery after the rain.
the fish was slippery to the touch

Angličtina slovo „śliskie„(slippery) se zobrazí v sadách:

Słówka z zaległego testu
Zawodowy Unit 7