slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

Dość v angličtině:

1. Fed up

fed up with
He was getting fed up.
You look fed up. Have you been waiting for a long time?
Kevin got fed up with Marcus because he was complaining.
He looked about as fed up as I had ever seen him.
You look fed up. What's the metter?
In the end, I just got fed up with his constant complaining.
We've had one delay after another, and I'm starting to feel pretty fed up.
Actually I think people are getting fed up with me talking about it
I'm fed up of standing in that shop selling shoes all day
What’s the matter? You look really fed up. I’m fed up with waiting for the phone to ring. When I get fed up of studying, I play my guitar.
I think it happened because they were all fed up with the war.
I’m fed up with her not paying attention to me.
says that he got fed up with what he calls "degrading kindness"
I'm getting fed up. / I'm fed up of traveling with someone like you.

Angličtina slovo „Dość„(Fed up) se zobrazí v sadách:

Angol fioletowy-normalne
Fce unit 5 - part 1
Mój angielski codzienny
cechy, uczucia

2. Fairly

Unless it's something fairly impressive, I won't remember it.
fairly short
As expectation increases that the dollar will weaken, the foreign exchange market's reaction to US economic indicators has been fairly muted.
It is fairly safe to say that the family bound for Australia, or wherever it may be, has in its mind a vision of a nice house, or a flat, with maybe a bit of garden.
We had a fairly good idea what the world thought of the United States. Now we also know what the United States thinks of the rest of the world.
They are able to retire while fairly young and enjoy the lifestyle of their choice in good health.
Though he is fairly well off, he is frugal; he takes after his father in that respect.
I know him fairly well, but I wouldn't say we were really close friends. I know him fairly well, but I wouldn't say we were really close friends. I'm fairly certain I can do the job.
At the moment, public access to the European institutions' documents is fairly good.
Are you the type of person whose moods vary from day to day, or are you moods fairly steady and constant?
An approach with full flaps permits you to fly slowly and at a fairly steep descent angle without gaining airspeed.
I think he was down here and fairly undamaged instead of up there between the tracks and completely
The Reef's fairly dynamic, it's been through a couple of ice ages, and is still here, so its resilience will ensure that the Reef is still here in years to come.
Learn how to argue cleanly and fairly.
Tanabata comes up in manga a lot so I also know it fairly well.

Angličtina slovo „Dość„(Fairly) se zobrazí v sadách:

Lesson 15 Profesor Henry

3. Fed up with

I'm fed up with listening to you complaining.
I'm really fed up with the weather in Britain.
I'm fed up with kicking my heels waiting for them to turn up so I'm off.
I'm fed up with you.
Are You fed up with something in You work.
I am fed up of it. The majority of Europe is completely fed up with the present system.
I'm fed up with this book
I’m fed up with this constant rain.
He's fed up with his job.
I'm really fed up with her.
I’m fed up with the traffic in this city! I think I’ll move to the countryside!
I’m fed up with tidying away your clothes all the time.
I'm fed up with his nasty behaviour.
My wife got fed up with me spending all my time online.
Sandra is fed up with her job.

Angličtina slovo „Dość„(Fed up with) se zobrazí v sadách:

kolokwium III

4. Quite

It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years.
You're quite right.
You say I should know him quite well, but as a matter of fact, I was introduced to him only last week.
I brought a jacket because it was quite cool this morning.
This time I stayed for the first time in a private villa, and it was really quite something.
If her nose were a little shorter, she would be quite pretty.
The teacher was quite candid about my chances of entering Tokyo University.
Until quite recently, most of the things we needed were made by hand.
Quite by chance, I met my old friend in the airport.
In conversation, one is likely to find out certain things about the other person quite easily.
Tom and Mary argue a lot, but they still get along quite well together.
English is quite often the language of choice when speaking to an international audience.
The 'gold' yearned for by the Japanese synchronized swimming world was not quite reached.
The bronze statue looks quite nice from a distance.
Until quite recently, people in developed countries didn't care much about the environment.

Angličtina slovo „Dość„(Quite) se zobrazí v sadách:

Senses - dodatkowe