slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

Ostry v angličtině:

1. Sharp Sharp

sharp teeth
That knife wasn't sharp and I couldn't cut the meat with it, so I resorted to using my pocket knife.
I have a hard time seeing the logic of this latest decision of his. He just isn't as sharp as he used to be.
Nobody anticipated such a sharp decline in interest rates.
He was on the verge of revealing the secret when a sharp look from Martha shut him up.
Its sharp claws began to open and close, open and close.
A sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use.
In the kitchen, you're more apt to cut yourself with a dull knife than with a sharp one.
This may be because of a change in people's attitude toward marriage and the sharp increase of fast food restaurants and convenience stores which are open 24 hours a day and enable young people to live more easily.
What Alice, waiting for a reply, was faced with was a sudden howl. It was a resounding noise, sharp as to burst her ear drums, loud as to reach unto the heavens.
Dad, should I poke Rod with a sharp thing like the mouse did?
Sharp knife, sharp pain, sharp criticism, to be a bit sharp with people, sharp turn, sharp tongue
The economic and financial crisis also brought a sharp fall in world trade.
What time of day are you at your sharpest?
There is data indicating a sharp increase in seizures of falsified medicines by customs.

Angličtina slovo „Ostry„(Sharp) se zobrazí v sadách:

Unit 2 Lesson 1-5
Lesson 20.01.21
6 b Vocabulary

2. hot hot

We're hot.
Tom can't stand the hot and muggy summers here, so he heads for the mountains.
Knowing how to hot wire a car may come in handy someday.
He led his men and horses over snowy mountains and down into hot valleys.
Japanese people are fortunate to live in a land with natural hot springs.
I remember having a hot discussion about the matter with him.
Aya likes intense colors, such as hot pink, electric blue and deep purple.
During the hot season, my son's skin breaks out easily.
Don't pour hot water into the glass or it will crack.
After a hard day's work, a man can do with a good, hot meal.
One hot summer afternoon, John and Dan were cutting the long grass.
Women like men the way they like their coffee: strong and hot to keep them awake all night long.
Hot weather will continue, so please watch out for food poisoning.
The new Prada boots are so hot all the stores are sold out and there is a waiting list for them!
The request became a hot political issue in the presidential campaign.

Angličtina slovo „Ostry„(hot) se zobrazí v sadách:

przymiotniki opisujące jedzenie 6
Rozdział 6 - żywność
longman cz 2 żywność
2nd lekcionen
focus3 dzial 5

3. Spicy Spicy

Every now and then I like to have hot and spicy food.
Make it as spicy as you can.
A dish can be spicy without being hot.
You shouldn't eat anything spicy.
My stomach is often a bit upset after eating spicy food.
Not too spicy.
I always eat spicy food. I love chilli. / 2. Mexican food is very spicy.
A four-year-old American tourist was disappointed to realize that, in fact, the Sichuan province is not entirely made of spicy beef, in spite of its famously piquant cuisine.
It's strange that people in hot climate zones eat spicy things like curry.
spicy sauce
I ate a spicy pizza yesterday.
We am crazy about spicy dishes
The soup was so spicy, it burnt Murray's tongue and made his eyes water.
Would you like some pasta with a spicy tomato sauce? Would you like some pasta with a spicy tomato sauce?
I want to eat a spicy chicken in a big plate!

Angličtina slovo „Ostry„(Spicy) se zobrazí v sadách:

Armagiedon 2
Słowka dział 2

4. Acute

acute respiratory distress
For men who are single parents, the issue is especially acute.
acute pain
But what if your anxiety is sustained and acute?
Forecasters classified it a bomb cyclone for its acute drop in atmospheric pressure.
This city will suffer from an acute water shortage unless it rains soon.
An acute lack of funds is holding up the plan.
How did it go? "They said it was acute appendicitis."
I am touched by the girl's acute sensitivity.
Communities afflicted with acute destitution are additionally confronted with illiteracy, life in appalling conditions and infectious diseases decimating the indigenous populations.
The problem is most acute in...
The question of world hunger will become much more acute
Grace has acute alcohol poisoning
He's a chain-smoker. He suffers acute anxiety if he has to last for an hour without a cigarette
She felt acute embarrassment/anxiety/concern at his behaviour.

Angličtina slovo „Ostry„(Acute) se zobrazí v sadách:

kolos ang wum