slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

być podobnym do v angličtině:

1. be similar to be similar to

Angličtina slovo „być podobnym do„(be similar to) se zobrazí v sadách:

Repetytorium kl. 7 Unit 1 Wygląd zewnętrzny
dane osobowe i wygląd zewnętrzny
dane osobowe, wygląd zewnętrzny
szkoła (str. 4pierwsza kolumna)
Wygląd zewnętrzny Dział 1 cz1 A2+/B1

2. take after

Angličtina slovo „być podobnym do„(take after) se zobrazí v sadách:

słówka z angielskiego maclaz nauka w domu A
phrasal verbs - obowiązkowe z + z CAE
focus 3 second edition unit 2 słówka
Matura Master's | Unit1 | Part 3
Angielski - 10 unit(trudne słówka)

3. take after sb

Angličtina slovo „być podobnym do„(take after sb) se zobrazí v sadách:

Nierozdzielne czasowniki frazowe z dopełnieniem
RM Longman Podstawa - Test 1
Nierozdzielne czasowniki frazowe z dopełnieniem
Nierozdzielne czasowniki frazowe z dopełnieniem
Nierozdzielne czasowniki frazowe z dopełnieniem

4. look like

You look like you were drinking all night
My boyfriend thinks I look like Madonna.
I look like an elephant!
Do you look like your father or your mother?
You look like your father.
How does it look like?
What does your dog look like? Has he got long or short hair?
Who do you look like?
Who does he look like?
You look like a star
[You look like your aunt.]
On this photo you look like your mum when she was five.
Does he look like his father or his mother?

Angličtina slovo „być podobnym do„(look like) se zobrazí v sadách:

SŁÓWKA 1.4-1.6 17.10.2023
stuu to pedofil
Unit 1: A new look
vocab 1.4.-1.8

5. resemble

Which parent does the child resemble?
Young tigers resemble cats.
I think I resemble my mother, but she thinks I look more like my dad.
Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life.
All happy families resemble each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
These mountains resemble The Rocky Mountains.
He strongly resembles his father in appearance and in temperament
Much as we resemble one another, none of us are exactly alike.
Rather than coming to resemble each other, it feels like they are birds of a feather.
it resembles a real-world application
The situation resembles that of Europe in 1940
it resembles the horizontal and vertical lines in the rock formations and other natural features
A suite would normally resemble a luxurious apartment
Poor James resembles his late father in this regard. Such men wither in times of peace.
Near the bed, the composite aluminium robot, with a human shape and with a rubber skin, cleverly painted to resemble human skin, glued to its body, was standing naked.

Angličtina slovo „być podobnym do„(resemble) se zobrazí v sadách:

Book 6, modul 7, unit 24

6. take after one's

Angličtina slovo „być podobnym do„(take after one's) se zobrazí v sadách:

people: qualities of chsracter✅
qualities of character
qualities of character

7. to be akin to

Angličtina slovo „być podobnym do„(to be akin to) se zobrazí v sadách:

6. Production

8. be the image of