slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

być wydanym v angličtině:

1. come out come out

All the flowers have come out. My photos didn't come out very well.
When does her new book come out?
all the bad men, come out
The truth will always come out.
wychodzić na jaw The truth about him will come out in the end. She was not ready to come out publicly. (Ona nie była gotowa, aby publicznie wyjawić, że jest homoseksualistką.)
Did the stain come out in washing? / You always come out well in photos.
Roses come out in summer.
His new novel will come out soon
This oil stain will come out if you let it soak in warm water.
My photos didn't come out all so well. Come out in spots.
the exam results haven't come out yet.
Her photo did not come out well so she had her nose retouched.
Would you like to come out for a drink sometime?
Did anything come out of yesterday's negotiations?
These chocolate stains won't come out.

Angličtina slovo „być wydanym„(come out) se zobrazí v sadách:

chuje i dziwki
unit 9 p. 148
huj(nauka part1)
kultura słownictwo