slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

dobrze prosperować v angličtině:

1. thrive thrive

While many of the companies went bankrupt, his business thrived.
This financial instrument must be given an environment in which it can thrive.
Children thrive on any form of attention they get from their parents. But I think we thrive on it in some way.
Children thrive when given plenty of love and attention. This type of plant thrives in cool conditions.
He that will thrive must ask leave of his wife.
The shortage of water means that plants cannot thrive.
Ill weeds are sure to thrive.
The children thrived outdoors.
These plants thrive with relatively little sunlight
Hawking intellectually thrived
The city of nearly 200,000 people is beginning to thrive. a plant that is able to thrive in dry conditions.
our union thrives so go to hell
It is the enviroment where all colleagues can thrive. Bacteria thrive in the tropical climate.
plants that thrive in tropical rain forests
the new baby thrived

Angličtina slovo „dobrze prosperować„(thrive) se zobrazí v sadách:

colin rose 4

2. to flourish to flourish

Jazz music began to flourish and dancing became a popular activity in the 1930s.

3. large existing large existing

4. to prosper to prosper

Angličtina slovo „dobrze prosperować„(to prosper) se zobrazí v sadách:

Business English 9-10

5. be in the black be in the black

6. thriving thriving

thriving Jewish communities
Six months later, she had a new house and a thriving business. He left a thriving business to his wife and son. There is already a thriving design and new media industry in the city.
thriving business/population
Their company is thriving
Daisy was thriving after changing schools and making new friends.
The thriving company suffered a little after the economic recession.
Dickens populates his novels with a thriving world of characters
Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.

7. make a profit make a profit

I think my business will make a profit this year.
If we cut our prices further, we won't make a profit.

Angličtina slovo „dobrze prosperować„(make a profit) se zobrazí v sadách:

sprawdzian na wtorek