slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

dofinansowanie v angličtině:

1. bailout

The Bank and the government would not consider this a bailout.
Central Banks bailout commercial banks with liquidity problems.
I don't have enough money to give him the bailout.
Are we sure that the Irish bailout does not violate the Treaty of Maastricht?
... corporate-- whether it's a bailout, an oil spill... a...

Angličtina slovo „dofinansowanie„(bailout) se zobrazí v sadách:

zestaw 16eeee (25)
A03 09.02.2017
A03 09.02.2017
A02 09.02.2017
Kolokwium II

2. subsidizing

Angličtina slovo „dofinansowanie„(subsidizing) se zobrazí v sadách:

Fiszki z książki - "Horses Past and Present" (Walt...
Fiszki z książki - "The Operatic Problem" (William...
Fiszki z książki - "The Story of the American Merc...
Fiszki z książki - "The Great Lord Burghley A stud...
Fiszki z książki - "Spies and Secret Service The s...

3. funding

The industry is heavily dependent on government funding.
Funding for this program was provided by the following sponsors.
The company received state funding for the project.
Early childhood education saw an overall increase in funding through various federal programs.
We don't have a mechanism for sustained funding.
An admiring fan once asked Christopher Columbus how he managed to procure funding for all of his amazing journeys. Columbus then took the fan to an abandoned alley, took out a pistol, and said "That's how".

Angličtina slovo „dofinansowanie„(funding) se zobrazí v sadách:

UNIT 2.25 Technology & Development
1 poziom 3 angielski 22/23
Shopping and services (WB)

4. subsidy

Many school districts offer a subsidy to low-income families for book fees and lunch costs.
a subsidy is an amount of money that a government pays in order to help a producer sell goods at a lower price and still have a profit
"In fact, the proposed subsidy allows the provision of only one portion of fruit one day a week. "
She turned down the subsidy that I offered.
thanka to your subsidy we could buy books for the children
Many in England want to see the public subsidy of the monarchy done away with.

Angličtina slovo „dofinansowanie„(subsidy) se zobrazí v sadách:

Business Result employment pre-inter unit 5
building a career
Styczeń 2016

5. endowment

His parents saw from an early age that he had great musical endowment
His endowment helped me continue my studies.
The property was passed to the National Trust by James Rothschild, together with a huge endowment for the upkeep of the mansion.

Angličtina slovo „dofinansowanie„(endowment) se zobrazí v sadách:

angielski uczelnia

6. financing

I think we need to change the system of campaign financing.
It is necessary to secure financing for local road maintenance.

Angličtina slovo „dofinansowanie„(financing) se zobrazí v sadách:

Oferta pracy: Specjalista ds. kontraktów strategic...
#Zapytajnaukowca: Czy moglibyśmy jeść trawę, jak k...
Korepetycje język angielski - Ogłoszenia korepetyc...

7. subsidise

The European Union chose to subsidise Poland's agriculture.

Angličtina slovo „dofinansowanie„(subsidise) se zobrazí v sadách:

unit 9 International markets
Launching a new product