slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

działka budowlana v angličtině:

1. building plot building plot

Angličtina slovo „działka budowlana„(building plot) se zobrazí v sadách:

L22 will/won't, Present Continuous, be going to
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2. plot plot

Are you involved in a plot to kill the president?
thinly plotted film
At every turn we have to plot what course to take now.
We plotted against our biology teacher.
Investigators uncovered an assassination plot.
This mystery has a plot twist that's completely novel.
Afghanistan plotting to wreck England planning.
We have delineated a plot for our new home.
plotting a bomb campaign brother
She plots a fake to death.
Many people can’t remember even half of the film plot.
We discovered a plot against the queen. The book tells the story of an intricate and bloody plot. They had plotted to assassinate the president.
I have a carrot plot in my garden. She inherited a small plot just outside the city.
a plot to blow up the embassy
I think They are plotting something

Angličtina slovo „działka budowlana„(plot) se zobrazí v sadách:

ang architektoniczny 1
Angielski kolos 2
direct english 3

3. building site building site

The equipment will be sent to the building site tomorrow.
Proper safety procedures must be observed at all times on the building site.
This city looks like a huge building site

Angličtina slovo „działka budowlana„(building site) se zobrazí v sadách:

Dom - słownictwo angielskie
dom angielski

4. construction plot construction plot