slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

ekstrawagancki v angličtině:

1. extirpating extirpating

Angličtina slovo „ekstrawagancki„(extirpating) se zobrazí v sadách:

Fiszki z książki - "Essays" (David Hume)
Fiszki z książki - "Argentina" (W. A. Hirst)
Fiszki z książki - "Tales From Jókai" (Mór Jókai)
Fiszki z książki - "The Apostles" (Ernest Renan)
Fiszki z książki - "Duality of Voice" (Emil Sutro)

2. extravagant extravagant

The party was very extravagant, with expensive champagne, caviar, and a string orchestra.
It is also clear that these sports stars often have extravagant lifestyles.
This diamond ring is too extravagant for me.
With her extravagant tastes, she was incapable of making ends meet.
He is inclined to look at everything from the standpoint of its practicality and is neither stingy nor extravagant.
The extravagant use of fossil fuels is causing environmental damage.
I was afraid you'd think I'd been a bit too extravagant.
She considered him extravagant with electricity.
Perhaps the robin's got a taste for the finer things in life and has become extravagant.

Angličtina slovo „ekstrawagancki„(extravagant) se zobrazí v sadách:

Egzamin Angielski - 1 semestr handouts
personal details - dane personalne
cechy charakteru, uczucia i emocje
Business and Economic vocabulary and others

3. flamboyant flamboyant

His flamboyant clothes are more suited to a rock star than a teacher!
a flamboyant pop star
You will be putting such a flamboyant colour on your lids.
The buyer was Kip Forbes, son of one of the most flamboyant millionaires of the 20th century.

Angličtina slovo „ekstrawagancki„(flamboyant) se zobrazí v sadách:

Lista 10 - Marta
Unit.7. Lekcja 1