slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

funt szterling v angličtině:

1. pound sterling

Angličtina slovo „funt szterling„(pound sterling) se zobrazí v sadách:

Unit 12 zakupy i usługi pearson
G126 End of February Mix
wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych
zakupy i usługi (unit 12)
zakupy i usługi

2. sterling

His supervisor gave him a sterling recommendation.
for their sterling work.

Angličtina slovo „funt szterling„(sterling) se zobrazí v sadách:

Gosia: Pass2 u9: 7. Other words
fiszki unit 9 2 3 kolumna
pieniądze i biznes

3. quid

Be a darling and lend us 20 quid, will you?
Can you lend me five quid?
Here's the six quid I owe you.
Could you lend me 20 quid (= £20), mate?
'How much is a whiskey on the rocks?' 'Five quid.'
Can you lend me a couple of quid?
I have only three quid left.
One pound (100 pence) in British Sterling (GBP). In very common use, all across the UK. That'll be a quid mate That's going to set you back about 3, 4 hundred quid bjutiful frejzal pipel 😊 I need twenty quid for petrol.
... situations where it's a quid pro quo or that...

Angličtina slovo „funt szterling„(quid) se zobrazí v sadách:

Słownictwo z filmów